[Clip] Aligning natural talent and self-efficacy

Artpic - One Change in the World - The Podcast
One Change in the World
[Clip] Aligning natural talent and self-efficacy

“we need to distinguish between the areas where we have the talent.
We just didn’t get the motivation, the person, you know, the motivation for it.
We got discouraged even though we have talent and we could make it. And the areas where maybe we don’t have enough talent, but we have too much motivation on it or this versus.
I imagine maybe one solution.
Tell me what you think about it.
But it’s also that usually where we have the motivation is also usually where we have the talent.
Because if we have the passion, it’s because we have an interest.
If we have an interest, it’s usually because that’s working for us. Yes, I agree.
I also don’t really know how to define talent in that sense.
So on the one hand, it can be something like God given, you know, like something genetic.
You just have it or you don’t have it. But I guess sometimes we think people have more talent just because they have more experience. Someone whose, I don’t know, father has been an extreme sportsman, then has it a little easier maybe to give and that’s there’s also talent requested, of course, which can be grown talent maybe from a young age on. Yeah.
But nonetheless, I think we all have specific areas where we are a little further advanced than in others and then maybe for, maybe for our own happiness, it makes sense to focus on that. “

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