Welcome back to another year of podcast with one change in the world. Every first of the month you will have a new episode where one academic answers the question what is one thing you would like to change in the world. We already had plenty of brilliant ideas and I thought that when it comes to actually make these ideas happen we could do something better and that’s why at the end of every episode from now on I will throw down a mini challenge to all of you. The idea is that if we all do it we are gonna actually be able to make a change in this world. So on the first of the month there will be this new episode between the 1st and the 14th of the month we can all make this mini challenge so that we actually make a change in the world and then to make things even more fun and to motivate us even further I thought that on the 15th I will do a live on the social media and I will announce a winner who will get a prize. So make sure to check our social media page where you can find more details and see you for the next episode.
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