Memory is a theme explored by a variety of works. Here is a bibliography to better understand what is behind this theme of Memory.
Bibliography of philosophy on Memory:
- Aristotle, Treatise on Memory and Reminiscence
- Henri Bergson, Matter and Memory
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Second in actual consideration (see analysis by Jacques Le Rider)
- Sigmund Freud, Memory, recollection, forgetting
- Paul Ricœur, Memory, History and Forgetting
Bibliography of literature on Memory:
Bibliography of contemporary reflection on Memory:
- Myriam Bienenstock, Duty to Remember? : Memorial Laws and History 2014
- François Hartog, Regimes of historicity: presents and the experience of time
- Tzvetan Todorov, The abuses of memory
- Pierre Nora, Places of Memory
- Thomas Ferenczi (et alii), duty to remember, right to forget?
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