Christmas in the world
Christmas is a celebration commemorating the nativity of Jesus Christ. Origin of Christmas Etymologically, the term Christmas comes from the Latin Natalis, birth. There is no reference to date the …
Christmas is a celebration commemorating the nativity of Jesus Christ. Origin of Christmas Etymologically, the term Christmas comes from the Latin Natalis, birth. There is no reference to date the …
Languages spoken in the world, all statistics. Languages play a big role in a culture, and are inseparable. Statistics on the languages spoken in the world – 6,000 languages spoken …
Who is the most connected in Europe? Who is the least connected? As far as social networks are concerned, France is among the last. As shown in this diagram, which …
The WHO studies the causes and consequences of alcohol consumption in the world according to countries. Data available in May 2022 indicate that alcohol is responsible for 5.3% of all …
→ danger of versatility, subject to too many sudden changes → danger of superficiality → The general will be wrong. In France, polls are provided by several polling institute’s IFOP, …