Is ownership fair?

Is property a right? Is it Just? One of the current positions is to consider property as a natural right. However, Jean-Jacques Rousseau reminds us that originally, the land belongs …

Revenge and justice

“As one grows older, one realizes that revenge is still the surest form of justice.” Henry Becque in Thoughts (1837–1899) Is vengeance justice? Hegel distinguished between justice and punishment, saying …

Justice hides the wrath

In his tragedy Wenceslas in 1647, Jean de Rotrou says: Justice is often the mask of wrath. This quotation expresses how much the pretended justice can in truth dissimulate another …

Is justice reduced to laws?

Is it better to apply the law rigorously or to take into account the extenuating circumstances, the legitimacy of someone’s behavior? Should we prefer injustice to disorder? Can justice be …