[Clip] What do you choose:changing the system or the new iphone?

Artpic - One Change in the World - The Podcast
One Change in the World
[Clip] What do you choose:changing the system or the new iphone?

We are in an era of turbo capitalism in a sense. Which is what Marx-intensified capitalism. Yeah, I would say so. I mean, I mean, capitalism has grown and it’s sort of reached different fields of our common life. And even even social media, for example, all the technology field has been commodified. Yeah. I mean, I hear everything you say. I’m wondering about something which is that in the polls, at least in front, the case, the number one issue of French people, and maybe it’s a clear example of what you’re describing. Number one issue that people have is daily life and the cost of life and how they’re going to be able to live and bear all the costs in their daily life. And yeah, I see this, indeed this course suite of economic growth, et cetera, that people may well criticize and think that it’s not so good, et cetera. But then there’s a new iPhone, which is out and then everybody’s jumping on it. “@OneChangeintheWorld is on:
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