Short biography of Alain Juppé

Below, find a short biography of Alain Juppé. Short biography of Alain Juppé Alain Marie Juppé was born in August 1945 in Mont-de-Marsan. He studied at the Lycée Victor-Duruy, then …

Understanding the NSA scandals

The NSA, the U.S. National Security Agency reportedly produced 70.3 million recordings from the phone data of French people between December 10, 2012 and January 8, 2013. Jean-Marc Ayrault said …

News summaries

If you are interested in news, then you will appreciate these links that will take you directly to the news summaries you need. National and International News Summary Summary of …

Summary of news year 2020

There was little hesitation in designating 2020 as the “COVID” year. If the pandemic was not the only notable event of this intense year, it was nonetheless the permanent reading …