Short biography of Alain Juppé

Below, find a short biography of Alain Juppé.

Short biography of Alain Juppé

Alain Marie Juppé was born in August 1945 in Mont-de-Marsan. He studied at the Lycée Victor-Duruy, then in a literary preparatory class at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris, and in 1964, the École normale supérieure. He married Christine Leblond, with whom he had two children. After receiving his agrégation in classics, he joined Sciences Po Paris in 1968, then the ENA from 1970 to 1972. The next four years were spent at the inspection générale des finances.

After a first electoral failure in the 1978 legislative elections, he lost again in the cantonal elections a year later. In 1979, he was elected to the national council of the RPR, and was appointed deputy director of finance and economic affairs for the city of Paris. He was deputy director of Jacques Chirac’s campaign in the 1981 presidential election. Alain Juppé won the 1983 and 1989 municipal elections in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. He became national secretary of the RPR in charge of economic and social recovery from 1984 to 1986.

From March 20, 1986, to May 11, 1988, Alain Juppé was Minister Delegate for the Budget to the Minister of State, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Privatization, Edouard Balladur, and became government spokesman during the first cohabitation.
From 1988 to 1994, Alain Juppé was Secretary General of the RPR.

From the end of 1993 to May 1995, he was Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government of Édouard Balladur, during the second cohabitation.

It was not until 1995 that he was officially appointed Prime Minister by the new president Jacques Chirac.

At the head of the RPR, Alain Juppé was also elected mayor of Bordeaux on June 19, 1995, and deputies of the 2nd constituency of the Gironde in 1997.

His first government May was marked by the number of women, nicknamed the“juppettes” by the press. A second government was set up from November 1995 to June 2, 1997, with a reduced number of women.

This reduction in the number of women earned him a certain amount of criticism, in addition to the criticism of his social security reform project in 1995. His unpopularity was further damaged by the fact that he had the rent for his son’s Paris apartment reduced.

On a personal level, Alain Juppé married Isabelle Legrand-Bodin in April 1993 and had a daughter with her in 1995.

Numerous privatization was carried out until the 1997 legislative elections, which were lost by the right and marked the end of the Juppé government.

A second affair shattered Alain Juppé, the affair of fictitious jobs at the Paris City Hall. He was convicted in January 2004, but the sentence was reduced on appeal in December 2004. Alain Juppé resigned from his position as mayor of Bordeaux. He then left for Canada.

It was not until the end of August 2006 that Alain Juppé announced his return to political life. An early municipal election was held in Bordeaux in October of the same year, which Alain Juppé won.

In 2007, Alain Juppé was briefly a minister in the government of François Fillon.

The 2014 municipal elections in Bordeaux were a new victory for Alain Juppé.

In August of the same year, Alain Juppé announced that he will be a candidate in the primary of the UMP (now primary Les Républicains), organized in 2016, for the presidential election of 2017.

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