The Marrakech Pact formally approved

The Marrakech Pact, or in its long version, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was approved in the presence of 159 countries.

It was rejected by the United States, Australia, Israel and Switzerland and by 6 EU countries: Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia and Estonia.

The text is also being debated in Bulgaria, Italy, Germany and Belgium.

The pact is non-binding.

The pact is controversial. Especially on the part of nationalists (see: understanding politics), the pact is not unanimous.

What does the Marrakech Pact say

Through this Global Compact, we collectively commit ourselves to improving cooperation on international migration.

Marrakech Compact

The purpose of this Global Compact is to alleviate the negative and structural factors that prevent people from finding and maintaining sustainable livelihoods in their home countries and force them to seek opportunities elsewhere. It aims to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities faced by migrants at different stages of migration by promoting the respect, protection and fulfillment of their human rights and by providing for the provision of assistance and care.

Marrakech Pact

The main principles on which the Marrakech Pact is based:

  1. Priority to the human dimension
  2. International cooperation
  3. National Sovereignty
  4. Rule of law and due process
  5. Sustainable Development
  6. Human Rights
  7. Consideration of gender issues
  8. Adaptation to the needs of the child
  9. Whole-of-government approach
  10. Whole-of-society approach

We have learned that migration is an integral part of globalization, linking societies within and across regions and making us all countries of origin, transit and destination.

The objectives of the Marrakech Pact

→ 2018 news summary
