Correction: Is language only a tool?

Is language only a tool? Let’s try to express with this so useful tool, language, an answer to this seeming problem.

This was one of the three exam questions of the Baccalaureate of philosophy in 2013 series L.

Analysis of the question – correction Is language only a tool?

Ferdinand de Saussure is a pioneer
of the reflection on language

Language: The ability of men to express their thoughts and to communicate thought and to communicate between them by means of a system of conventional vocal and/or
conventional vocal and/or graphic signs constituting a language; p. Meton
language as a realization of this faculty.
Is it: directly calls for a dialectical plan, with I. II. and III?
only a: tool
tool: in this case: it means; that which to obtain a result, to act on something. Meaning
: Object manufactured, used manually, endowed with a form and physical properties adapted to a given production process and allowing transforming the object of work according to a fixed goal.
The notions – in particular the two important ones, language and tools – must be worked on and questioned. It will be necessary to review what language and tool really mean language and tools.

Problematic of the question – correction Is language only a

We must ask ourselves: why am I being asked this question? What is the point of the question?

Is language only a tool, is it nothing else? Is language only used to make oneself understood? Is language only a means or is it more than a means?

Corrective outline of his language is only a tool?

I. Language is a useful tool for man
II. Language is even more, and has a nature greater than the mere tool
III. The language, because it is a new means, becomes immediately in the nature of man

→ 2nd subject French baccalaureate L file 2013: Is language only a tool?
→ Topics and correction to the French baccalaureate in 2013