Sophocles : praise of love

Sophocles is the model of the author of tragedies according to Aristotle.

In Antigone, written in 442 BC, Sophocles tells with subtlety the psychological struggle of the heroine of the same name:

Creon (Antigone’s uncle) has issued a decree: is not allowed to be buried Antigone’s brother, because he is a criminal and an outlaw.

But Antigone, listening only to her heart, decides to go and bury her brother, despite the decree. For this she faces the death penalty.

The choir sings its praises to Eros, primordial God of Love.

Eros, O fine jouster, O child so mocking,

You laugh at opulence and candor

Of these frightened girls with reddened cheekbones

That you like to surprise me in the middle of the sleep.

You who go on the waves, the fields and the dens,

No one can oppose you, neither Zeus, nor the living.

For your slightest passage attracts madness.

You lead the wise to the wrong path,

You provoke hatred between all humans.

Likewise, you appear in the eyes of a virgin.

Desire is one of the laws of the universe;

And without a fight, Cypris does what she wants to do!