The 5 leading causes of death in France

According to 2011 figures, here are the top 5 causes of death in France.

There are strong disparities between men and women.

As a reminder, the mortality rate is the ratio of the annual number of deaths to the total population.

1. Malignant tumors (cancer)

Mortality rate for men: 357.2

Mortality rate for women: 179.6

2. Circulatory system disease (stroke, cardiovascular disease, etc.)

Mortality rate for men: 289.7

Mortality rate for women: 177.7

3. External causes (accidents, suicides, etc.)

Mortality rate for men: 86.5

Mortality rate for women: 38.8

4. Diseases of the respiratory system

Mortality rate for men: 82.2

Mortality rate for women: 39.0

5. Diseases of the digestive system

Mortality rate for men: 49.5

Mortality rate for women: 26.9

In relative terms, it is possible to see that of all the diseases, cancers and diseases of the circulatory system account for the vast majority of deaths.

→ General Knowledge: Health