Summary of the news 2012 – 2013

What happened in the world this 2012–2013 year?

Review the world news since last summer to be up to date for Sciences Po! Sciences Po requires a good dose of knowledge of current events knowledge of current events: both during exams and in class. The review will help you get a head start on the new year!

It all started with the Barack Obama. Then the Mohammed Merah affair broke out, leaving little room for American news. Especially since this gesture painfully echoed the resumption. of the Israeli-Palestinian war in a particularly fragile region Region.

Meanwhile, in France, Sciences Po was in the news, but all attention was focused on the to the soap opera. Bettencourt, which even Plus Belle la vie envied for its twists and turns. Those who were not interested in political gossip were more concerned about the future of the planet, looking for new. Energy resources.

The drama drama refocused attention on the United States, amidst the distractions of the world, from soccer and the Super Bowl. In fact, Christmas was celebrated with all the more joy this year because the world had just survived the apocalypse. If the United States united in the face of this tragedy, thanks to the festive moments or sports, France was divided on the questions of society, like the marriage. For all.

An announcement was then made like a bomb: the Pope resigned. The election of the new Argentinean Pope François reminded the world of that other continent, South America. South America where the leader Hugo Chávez died shortly afterwards. Another death also marked the political world, that of Margareth Thatcher. The hospitalization of Nelson Mandela’s hospitalization raised fears of the worst a few months later.

Health concerns also turned to a new virus, the coronavirus. However all was not black, and the End the Cannes Festival offered other opportunities to rejoice, while waiting for the waiting for the summer.

One thought on “Summary of the news 2012 – 2013

  1. Do you have a non-exhaustive list of facts and figures for essays in English? Thank you so much

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